News bulletins

Popular with usability lab studies
2024.12.11More and more people are re-discovering the value of in-person user testing and in recent weeks our usability test labs have been busy. As one research manager enthusiastically commented "We would never have understood these problems if we had done these tests remotely!". In recent weeks our usability labs have hosted testing of a new website for The Swedish Migration Agency, prototypes for new 'hi tech' eyewear, a mobile site for sports betting, and online gaming.
User research in Brazil
2024.10.24We have recently completed a series of user studies in Brazil in cooperation with local user researchers. The South American market is currently seen as particularly interesting to expand into for several of our clients, with Brazil being in particular focus at the moment. We helped one of our international clients organise a series of remote and in-person research and analysis between June and October this year.
UX research in NL & UK
2024.06.05We have recently completed a series of user studies in The Netherlands and UK for a large client in the gaming industry. Both studies were conducted in-person in UX labs (for many mobile interfaces it is difficult to properly understand user interaction in online/remote studies and easy to misjudge user behaviour/intent - this is especially the case in gaming user interfaces!).
Medical device testing
2024.05.06We have recently conducted a formative usability evaluation of a new range of medical devices to be used by specialist hospital staff (certain nurses and other healthcare staff in specific roles/departments). The devices in question were tested on behalf of a leading international medtech company and will replace existing products with similar functionality that are already in use in hospitals worldwide. When the design of such devices is revised it is now an EU regulatory requirement for manufacturers to carry out thorough testing with the end users (whether it be healthcare workers as in this case, and/or patients who use devices themselves). For this reason, in combination with our location next to the Karolinska University Hospital and Stockholm's life science cluster, we've seen a significant growth in interest in our usability testing services from the medtech industry.
Online insurance purchase
2024.03.01Usability Partners has recently completed a ux-study for ICA Insurance. We tested general aspects of the website but the focus was on understanding the challenges in the purchase flow. The tests resulted in many interesting insights that can improve the interaction flow for new customers and hence also new business.
UX in video streaming services
2024.01.11During the Autumn/Winter we have conducted several studies of new video streaming services currently under development. In trying to attract and retain new customers, user experience is seen as key and regular user-based evaluations both during and after launch have become a essential activity for video streaming service providers. In our larger usability lab we can test streaming services and prototypes on TVs, tablets, smartphones and laptops (or a mix of devices) in a home living room environment.

Improving energy efficiency
2023.11.03Energimyndigheten (the Swedish Energy Agency) is developing a new website to support its work in providing advice around energy and climate. As part of the initial design work they wished to evaluate two approaches to solving how users would navigate to find information on the site (based on two different prototypes). We involved three key target user groups in the studies - private households, companies and housing associations, which in each case those responsible for energy issues were recruited to participate. The study included testing on both mobile and computer interfaces and with a focus on structure and navigation. The result was well received and we hope to support them with studies to provide further user insights in later stages of development.
Web font study
2023.10.19Uppsala University asked Usability Partners to assess a new font for their website. The university wanted to know how a proposed new font would perform (in terms of readability) compared to the existing one. They also wanted to know how well the font would work for those with dyslexia or significant vision impairments. We conducted a user-based readability evaluation as well as an expert assessment to determine whether or not the font would perform differently to the existing font on the website.
New UK betting site launched
2023.09.29Earlier this Autumn we were asked by a large international betting brand to help evaluate a new betting/gambling website for the UK market. We had previously conducted work for the client in other markets but in this case they saw the UX/usability of their new design for the UK audience as being particularly important, especially given the mature and highly competitive UK betting market. In cooperation with a local partner in central London, we conducted user testing with a mix of different target groups.
We're hiring...
2023.07.10Usability Partners is currently looking to hire a junior consultant in Stockholm. For this position we are looking for someone keen on starting a career in UX research and who is fluent in Swedish. [Further information no longer available.]
Confusing electricity prices
2023.04.21Hourly price? Variable price? Fixed price? Or "Mix agreement"? Do consumers really understand which electricity contract suits them best? We recently completed a study examining and comparing six different electricity company sites and whether it was possible for consumers to find an appropriate electricity contract on them. Each study participant tested 3 electricity company sites where they were given the task of finding an electricity contract that they considered suited their needs (e.g. their finances and living situation). The study findings highlighted the difficulties that consumers could experience in navigating the sites, the confusing and inconsistent use of terminology, and how consumers could be easily misled into choosing contracts that were not beneficial to them.
App personalisation
2023.02.20Developers of mobile apps are turning more and more to personalisation features in order to improve the user experience of their apps. Whilst personalisation can bring huge benefits, if it is done wrong it can create a minefield of usability issues for users and achieve the opposite effect to that desired. We have recently completed an extensive series of user research activities for an international client, investigating the variety of personalisation solutions in many market leading mobile apps and providing recommendations as to how they should proceed with introducing personalisation features in their apps. Work included a variety of user interviews, workshops, observation of apps in use and user testing of prototypes - both remotely and in-person.
UX in car leasing
2023.01.30Usability Partners has recently conducted a study investigating how company car drivers experience the process of finding, leasing and taking delivery of a company car. The client, a premium car manufacturer, wished to uncover eventual painpoints in the customer journey for leasing a car as well as understand how the user experience could be improved overall. A variety of company car drivers from different types of businesses were recruited to participate in the research, which included both interviews and testing out a car leasing website.

New mental health website
2022.11.23The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) has recently launched a website aimed at increasing knowledge about mental health (dinpsykiskahä Usability Partners was asked to evaluate the ease of use of the initial version of the site for both mobile and computer use, with focus on navigation and content. Over the course of time the agency plans to significantly expand the content of the site. A series of user tests were conducted to evaluate the site with potential users in different parts of Sweden. Despite the geographical spread of users, the importance of evaluating the navigation design (particularly on mobile, for which it is problematic to follow navigation behaviour remotely) meant that as many tests as possible were conducted in-person in the usability lab.
Highly successful AR/AI project
2022.10.18Over the past 2 years we have supported an EU-funded Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) project in the area of Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The project, conducted together with partners in Austria and Greece, was recently completed and assessed by the EU Commission. In the final review report it was noted that the "project has delivered exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact" and that "involvement of approximately 150 potential users is a highlight". Usability Partners led the work on user requirements, UX strategy, UX design, and trials/validation. More information about the project can be found at (
UX research in Lithuania, The Netherlands and USA
2022.09.16Usability Partners has recently completed a number of user research activities in Lithuania, The Netherlands and USA for an online gaming company. As a multi-national company with the vision of providing the best customer experience in the industry, a key success factor has been to understand the needs of customers in different countries and evaluate website and app designs with them. We cooperated with local partners to ensure these user research activities have been executed in the most appropriate and timely manner.
Viaplay – growing with user insights
2022.08.23Viaplay is one of Europe’s leading SVOD streaming services with a presence in 10 countries. The company has expanded rapidly and plans to enter several new markets in 2022/2023. Usability Partners has supported Viaplay with user research during 2021/2022. The assignment included planning and executing different types of research in order to understand users as well as their behaviour and needs. The focus was on areas that concerned the initial phase of the customer journey (such as the website, checkout process and onboarding) however, studies in new markets were also conducted. The research has been highly appreciated and has complemented Viaplays comprehensive work with machine learning and AI to offer a relevant and personalised product.
Evaluation of Augmented Reality
2022.06.03In Austria (Linz) and Sweden (Stockholm) we have recently conducted a series of formal evaluations of a mobile app for the 'ATLANTIS' tool for interior planning. This is part of our participation in an EU-funded Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) project in the area of Augmented Reality. Usability Partners is leading work on user requirements, UX strategy, UX design, and trials/validation. More information about the project can be found at
Lantmäteriet's new website
2022.04.22Lantmäteriet (the Swedish authority responsible for mapping and land registration) is currently developing a new website design. They asked Usability Partners to conduct a series of user tests of a 'beta' version of the site. The study evaluated the new layout, design, and in particular a revised menu/navigation concept, for both desktop and mobile usage.
Avtalat build out their website
2022.03.07Avtalat is a new organisation formed to help provide information and guidance on collectively agreed occupational pensions and insurance to roughly 3 million employees and their empoyers in Sweden. A year ago they launched the first version of their new website (, which Usability Partners UX/usability-tested during development. Now they have selected us to provide ongoing support with UX research in the continued development of the site in the coming years.
We're hiring...
2022.02.04Usability Partners is currently looking to hire a junior consultant in Stockholm. For this position we are looking for someone keen on starting a career in UX research and who is fluent in Swedish. [This position has been filled.]

Medical software testing
2021.12.17We have recently conducted a large usability testing study with specialist hospital staff in Sweden. The purpose of the study was to formally assess the product's usability in order to assess conformance with regulatory requirements prior to launch. The assess which involved healthcare staff from across Sweden, included usability testing both on desktop computers as well as mobile devices.
How do our connected lives look?
2021.10.17Usability Partners has conducted an interview study focusing on users' mental models of how devices in their homes are connected. The study was part of a larger international project where insights were also gathered from countries such as the United States, South Korea and Nigeria. In Sweden, we investigated how users' knowledge (or lack thereof) affected how they use different technologies to enable and streamline their device interactions both in relation to entertainment and productivity. The study was conducted with in-depth interviews both individually and in pairs.
Online shopping experience
2021.06.30We recently conducted an online shopping experience study for a large international online retailer who is in the process of expanding into the Scandinavian market. The study looked at the complete shopping experience - from browsing the site for ideas for a gift, the order and payment process, tracking and delivery, through to 'unboxing' and eventual returns process.
UX tests in Finland, Peru & Sweden
2021.05.26Usability Partners has recently completed a series of 24 user tests of a mobile gaming/betting site. The tests were of a current/live site and were conducted remotely (using online tools instead of face-to-face) given the situation with the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted in cooperation with experienced local moderators in Finland and Peru.
Augmented Reality prototypes
2021.04.29We have recently conducted two sets of user-based UX tests of initial prototypes for the 'ATLANTIS' tool for interior planning. This is part of our work on an EU-funded Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) project in the area of Augmented Reality. Usability Partners is leading work on user requirements, UX strategy, UX design, and trials/validation. More information about the project can be found at
Avtalat website launched
2021.01.18Avtalat is a new organisation formed to help provide information and guidance on collectively agreed occupational pensions and insurance to roughly 3 million employees and their empoyers in Sweden. They recently launched the the first version of their new website ( Usability Partners assisted in the development of Avtalat's website during 2020 with iterative user-based tests. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic studies were conducted face-to-face in our usability lab (which was important given the nature of the prototypes tested). As with all our in-person studies during the pandemic, a comprehensive set of cleanliness measures and social distancing rules were followed to address infection risks.

Evaluation of language quality in mobile OS
2020.12.21Usability Partners has participated in a multinational project to evaluate language quality in a mobile/smartphone operating system. Evaluations were conducted remotely with participants in a variety of different countries (Usability Partners was responsible for those conducted in Sweden). All sessions were live-streamed (together with simultaneous Swedish-English interpretation) to observers in the US.
New clothing sustainability concept
2020.12.07A large clothing retailer recently engaged Usability Partners to evaluate the complete 'customer journey' for a new sustainability concept in clothing. The aim being to reduce the quantity of clothing that is thrown away. Usability Partners was asked to evaluate a prototype web-based service, supporting physical materials (e.g. information sheets and packaging), as well as elements of the shipping/delivery process.
ICA Insurance
2020.11.27ICA Försäkring (ICA Insurance) recently wished to evaluate a new online service and asked us to conduct a series of user-based tests. The service allows users to compare insurance offerings from different companies and it was evaluated with users both on computer and mobile. The objective was to identify potential usability problems, collected user feedback, and provide suggestions for improvement based on the test results.
Comparison of intranet platforms
2020.10.19Usability Partners was recently asked to conduct a comparative UX evaluation of three intranet platforms for one of Sweden's global industrial companies. The study involved user-based testing with intranet users in a variety of countries around the world and included both an objective assessment of user productivity as well as employees' subjective ratings of the different platforms. The UX evaluation was a key component in the company's strategy to determining the best overall platform for their needs.
UX and Augmented Reality
2020.09.14We have started work on an EU-funded Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) project in the area of Augmented Reality. Usability Partners will lead work on user requirements, UX strategy, UX design, and trials/validation. The project, called ATLANTIS (AuThoring tooL for indoor Augmented and dimiNished realiTy experIenceS) is due to run until early 2022 and involves partners from several countries.
Karolinska Institute's website
2020.04.30The Karolinska Institute recently chose Usability Partners to conduct user research with regard to their website ( Usability Partners was selected ahead of other suppliers based on "quality and creativity" and, amongst other things, the advantage of conducting user tests in our usability lab. The website includes a portal for staff and therefore the study included research with both external users as well as staff in different roles.
Örebro county regional transport
2020.02.05Örebro County's regional public transport authority (Länstrafiken i Örebro) has been working to improve their website ( for all types of users. They recently asked Usability Partners to conduct an accessibility audit of the new site.

Lina's Matkasse (Recipe box)
2019.12.02Lina's Matkasse, one Scandinavia's leading online 'recipe box' services, is working to improve their website. Usability Partners has recently conducted user tests of a prototype for a new version of the service in which customers can choose and customize their recipe box subscription.
World Usability Day 2019
2019.10.30Are you interested in new tools and methods in UX? Looking for inspiration to make your business more user-centric? On the 14th of November we are organising an "open house" event at our office in Stockholm. The day will offer "hands on" demonstrations and discussions (including, amongst other things, "NeuroUX" studies, "Eye-tracking" analysis, "Remote UX" tools, and frameworks for measuring UX). UPDATE: Sorry! There has been huge interest in this event and we cannot accept any more registrations.
True money happiness?
2019.10.18We are currently working with a series of UX studies in New York for Qapital - an app that takes a new approach to helping people with their saving, spending and investing. Qapital was awarded "Most Innovative App of the year, 2017" by Google. Usability Partners helped Qapital with usability/UX studies in Stockholm back in 2016/2017. As Qapital today focuses exclusively on the US market then on this occasion we are conducting studies on the other side of the Atlantic.
2019.09.27Usability Partners recently conducted user-based testing of a new website design for one of Sweden's main insurance companies, If. The new design was evaluated both on desktop and mobile devices. The objective was to identify potential usability problems, gather user feedback on the new design and, based on the test results, provide suggestions for improvement.
UX in online betting
2019.05.24During this Spring Usability Partners has conducted two new UX studies for the Betsson Group of companies, supporting the development of their new web interfaces.
Hiring new consultants
2019.04.30Usability Partners is currently looking to hire two junior UX research consultants in Stockholm. For both of these positions we are looking for people fluent in Swedish. These positions have now been filled.
UX comparison study for TUI
2019.03.11Usability Partners has recently conducted a UX comparison study of different interface designs for holiday presentation and booking. Site designs were tested with representative users from several different holidaymaker target groups and observed by designers, developers and other stakeholders from TUI.
Norwegian postcode lottery
2019.01.31During the last year we have been helping Novamedia to develop a new postcode lottery for Norway. Having earlier conducted UX work for the Swedish postcode lottery we have since contributed to the new Norwegian website concept, information architecture, adaptions to the checkout process and creation of a framework for customer communication via email. The project followed its timeplan and the first happy winners were recently announced.

UX and IT security
2018.12.21Kaspersky Labs develops IT security and antivirus solutions for consumers, businesses and large organisations. Usability Partners was asked to evaluate two new user interfaces intended for IT administrators when implementing and managing such solutions in small and medium-sized businesses. User testing was conducted in our usability lab and was observed by key Kaspersky Lab staff who attended the sessions in Stockholm and by other staff in Moscow via live streaming.
Eco-friendly vehicles
2018.11.07As both consumers and organisations look to buying more environmentally friendly vehicles, there is a growing need for independent information about what qualifies as an 'eco-car' as well as the different types, benefits and costs. The cities of Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö, supported by the Swedish Energy Agency, have created a website for this purpose - Miljö Usability Partners has been asked to evaluate the usability of the site with representative users.
UX studies of streaming services
2018.10.01With the expanding number of video streaming services, usability and UX has come to the forefront as a differentiating factor. Several of the largest services in Sweden have approached Usability Partners for help in evaluating their solutions. We evaluated one such service just before the summer and have now been asked to conduct a similar evaluation for another client this Autumn.
Smartphone app for electricians
2018.09.04Schneider Electric have developed a new app to support professional electricians in their work with planning new consumer electrical installations. In order to ensure that it works well in practise and meets user needs, Usability Partners has been asked to conduct user-based tests of the app.
New office, 2 new usability labs
2018.05.21Today we moved into newly built offices at Torsplan, just to the north of Stockholm city centre. Aside from panoramic views to the north (and what will be Norra Stations park), our new office is larger than before and includes two purpose-built usability labs.
MTM engages Usability Partners
2018.04.18MTM (the Swedish Agency for Accessible Media) has chosen Usability Partners to conduct an evaluation of their digital library "Legimus". The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the website's ease of use, identify potential problems usage problems and provide recommendations for improvement. The evaluation will include user tests with both librarians and borrowers.
Studieförbunden's business system
2018.03.12Studieförbunden (an organisation supporting Swedish Study Associations) recently asked Usability Partners to conduct an expert review and user survey of "Gustav" - the common administrative system used by nine study associations. Gustav, which is used by over a thousand users, is the result of a cooperation between study associations with the objective of developing and maintaining a common system for all study administration activities.
Independent testing for digital agencies
2018.02.16Usability Partners has recently been supporting several digital agencies with independent usability testing in their client projects. The interfaces have been in different stages of development - everything from early mockups to complete prototypes. With the right approach it is possible to obtain many valuable insights to support design work even in an early stage of the development process.
Below are all the news bulletins from 2017 and earlier...
Support system for social services
2017.11.01We have recently started working with a large project for one of the main suppliers of IT systems for social services in Swedish municipalities. The project, which spans over several years, involves a series of user-centred activities - from field studies and workshops through to user interface prototyping and user-based testing of designs. Through a user-centred development approach, the objective is to increase productivity and improve the end-user experience.
TUI's website further UX-tested
2017.09.22TUI last year asked Usability Partners to evaluate the usability and user experience of their website ( for smartphone users. We recently conducted a further study for TUI, focusing on the desktop user experience when booking holidays as well as their online services for customers after booking. As before, the study included holidaymakers from several different customer segments.
UX studies for Bosch
2017.06.27Bosch recently contracted Usability Partners to evaluate prototypes for smart apps and control panels for future generations of heating systems. The studies were conducted in several countries, where we responsible for focusing on evaluating their suitability (in relation to user needs) and usability (ease of use) for the Swedish market.
Electric cars - a UX journey
2017.06.22Usability Partners conducted a series of consumer interviews in May/June with owners and prospective buyers of 'ZEVs' - Zero Emission Vehicles (all-electric cars). The study, conducted for a large European car manufacturer, focused on understanding and mapping their needs and experiences through the process of investigating an electric car purchase.
Alectas new website
2017.04.06Alecta recently asked Usability Partners to conduct user tests of a prototype to Alecta's new website. The new design will be evaluated for both desktop and mobile use. The objective is to identify potential usability problems, gather user feedback on the new design and, based on the test results, provide suggestions for improvement.
Accessibility review for Kommunförbundet Västernorrland
2017.03.07Usability Partners has recently conducted an accessibility review of "Open ePlatform", an open source platform for providing e-services for regions and municipalities, e.g. applications for building permits. The review focused on compliance with the W3C/WAI accessibility requirements as well as certain aspects of the web guidelines from Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS).
Qapital's new savings app
2017.03.01Qapital is a Swedish company based in Stockholm and New York who is developing modern banking and personal finance apps for the American market. With a goal of "creating a banking app that people love using", Qapital has asked Usability Partners to conduct UX testing with American bank customers with a focus on the initial 'on boarding' of first time users.
Comparison study of the usability of 6 online grocery sites
2017.02.22We recently conducted user-based tests of six of the main online grocery shopping sites in Sweden (CityGross, Coop, Hemköp, ICA, and MatHem) and a total of 16 representative users participated. The user experience differed hugely between sites and each site had its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the 'traditional' supermarkets performed particularly poorly. Problem areas that were identified related to delivery information (in some cases users couldn't work out whether they could get delivery or not, never mind the times and costs), product categorisation, product presentation and sorting/filtering, as well as operation of search and the shopping basket. Contact us if you are interested in further information.
UX support for Post Code Lottery
2017.01.09During the Autumn and run up to Christmas Usability Partners has been providing support to Svenska PostkodLotteriet (The Swedish Post Code Lottery) in the further development of their website. UX-support activities have included interaction design advice, prototyping and different types of usability testing.
EnterCard's website
2016.12.09Usability Partners recently conducted a usability test of EnterCard’s website. The website was tested by a variety of users, both using a desktop web browser and smartphones.
TUI's website UX-tested
2016.11.24TUI (previously 'Fritidsresor') recently asked Usability Partners to evaluate the usability and user experience of their website (, with a focus on smartphone users. The user-based testing included both searching for, exploring, and then booking package holidays on a smartphone. The study included holidaymakers from several different customer segments.
Danske Bank’s new website
2016.10.12Usability Partners will this Autumn be conducting further usability testing for Danske Bank. This time a beta version of their new website will be tested to identify potential usability issues as well as collect user feedback, and, based on findings, provide suggestions for improvement.
Handelsbanken's internetbank
2016.06.21Usability Partners conducted a series of usability tests of Handelsbanken's internetbank during development and prior to its first launch. As Handelsbanken continue to develop their internetbank service, we are supporting them with occasional user-based tests of new functions and features. We conducted one such test earlier this month.
New course dates
2016.04.29Our 3-day course in "Usability, UX & user-centred design" is run both as an open course in Stockholm via Ability Partner and on-site for development teams. Our cooperation with Ability Partner is now in its 10th consecutive year and a new course calendar has recently been announced for 2016/2017. Three new course dates are scheduled (4-6 October, 24-26 January, 9-11 May).
Usability work at Fora
2016.03.02Fora administrates collective insurance premiums (including pensions) for roughly 4 million employees in Sweden. Usability Partners is supporting Fora's different development projects (both large and small) with usability input, which can involve interaction design work, prototyping, user requirements collation and analysis, as well as evaluation of designs.
Comparison study of the usability of 5 online pharmacy sites
2016.02.12We recently conducted user-based tests of five of the main online pharmacy sites in Sweden (Apotea, Apoteket, Apotekt Hjärtat, Apoteksgruppen and Kronans Apotek) and a total of 17 representative users participated. Problem areas that were identified related to delivery costs, product categorisation and presentation, operation of search and shopping basket, as well as the check-out flow. On many of the sites participants experienced such serious difficulties that our conclusion is that many would have given up in a real situation. Contact us if you are interested in further information or purchasing a copy of the report.
Usability test of smart home alarm
2015.12.17Usability Partners has recently conducted a user study for Verisure (earlier Securitas Direct), Sweden's leading provider of home alarms and related smart products. We evaluated the usability of both the installation of the alarm and smart devices, as well as configuration of the setup (via a mobile app).
eBeach to challenge charter giants
2015.11.20eBeach is a new online travel agency in Sweden and part of On the Beach Group PLC in the UK. Usability Partners was asked to conduct user-based testing of to evaluate the current web interface in Sweden in order to identify ways to improve/optimise its usability and the user experience in the Swedish market.
SBS Discovery launch Dplay
2015.10.31SBS Discovery have recently launched a new web-based 'play' service for their TV channels. Usability Partners conducted user-testing of the service earlier in the year to provide input to the design/development process.
Online gambling UX
2015.08.31Usability Partners has recently conducted two usability/UX evaluations for companies in the Betsson group. Both concerned web-based prototypes for online gambling and provided valuable feedback and input to design decisions for coming development work.
User studies for Danske Bank
2015.06.30We are currently testing a prototype for a new part of Danske Banks' internetbank ("Hembanken"). The study includes testing both with existing Danske Bank customers as well as potential new customers (e.g. those changing banks).
E-learning for school children
2015.05.27We are evaluating a new e-learning solution for secondary school children. The project is being done for Sanoma Utbildning and is based on electronic versions of certain popular textbooks. Both the teacher and pupil perspectives are being considered in the evaluation, which includes 'field tests' in school classrooms.
Vardagspuls TV show & site
2015.03.23Usability Partners has conducted both usability lab testing and field studies of the website (related to the new TV4 programme with the same name). Usability lab testing provided early feedback on the design under development, and the later 'field studies' in viewers homes provided interesting insights into interaction between the site and TV progamme.
Test of interactive forms for ICA Bank
2015.02.25Usability Partners has recently conducted user tests of online quotation and order forms for ICA Banken's website. Even apparently small issues in the design of such interactive forms can cause users to become uncertain and not continue in a particular process and ICA Banken wanted to ensure that any such issues were ironed out.
Uppsala University's new responsive web design
2014.12.19Uppsala University have developed a new responsive web design which they intend to implement across all university websites. Before doing so, they wanted to evaluate the usability and accessibility of the design and Usability Partners conducted user tests with prospective university students during December. Based on findings and recommendations resulting from the tests, revisions will be made to the design before it is rolled out.
User studies for Mozilla
2014.11.26Mozilla has asked Usability Partners to conduct a series of user studies around a new web concept. The studies, which we are conducting both in Sweden and Poland, include in-depth interviews and exploration of a prototype interface.
Online bank mortgage application forms tested (WUD)
2014.11.14For World Usability Day (WUD) on 13 november, we conducted a comparison study of 8 Swedish bank web sites. 25 participants were each given the task of finding interest rates and then completing an online application form for a mortgage. Large problems were identified across the online forms, which resulted in most applications contains incorrect data for a mortgage credit decision.
Supporting clinical research
2014.10.03Usability Partners is participating in a project run by the Karolinska Institute to help develop a tool to support patient-oriented clinical research and knowledge-based healthcare. The project, which to a large part is funded by Vinnova, started this summer and runs until the end of 2016. Usability Partners will be supporting the project with user requirements research, advising on interaction design issues, and testing prototypes with users.
Hospital system usability study
2014.08.26We are currently conducting an interview and observation study of doctors and nurses in several different parts of Södersjukhuset. The study focuses on their use of several of the main IT systems used in the hospital. The objective is to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their user interfaces and provide recommendations for improvement.
Voice interaction study
2014.06.24Usability Partners has conducted a large evaluation of synthesized voices for interactive TV applications. The study was conducted with over 100 participants as well as a number of professional voice specialists.
Comparison study of the usability of 4 holiday travel sites
2014.06.04We recently conducted a usability evaluation of Swedish charter travel sites. The four main travel sites were included (Apollo, Fritidsresor, Solresor and Ving) and a total of 20 representative users participated as test persons. Participants were given the task of finding a summer charter trip (flight & hotel) and to then book it. Eye-tracking was used to support the analysis of initial home page usage. Problem areas that were identified related to unclear home pages (where users didn't always see/understand the most appropriate way forward), price information, hotel presentation, search and filtering/sorting functions and a variety of problems in the booking flow. Contact us if you are interested in further information or purchasing a copy of the report.
Responsive website testing for Nordea
2014.05.30As part of a new website design project, Nordea asked Usability Partners to evaluate a responsive web design. The site, which will be launched in several countries, was evaluated by target users on a PC and a tablet, as well as on users' own smartphones.
Skandiabanken's new mobile app
2014.03.17We have recently conducted two user-based usability evaluations of smartphone app prototypes for Skandiabanken. The prototypes included new online banking functionality and an updated UI design.
In-depth user interviews for Bring
2014.02.28As input to a coming re-design project, Usability Partners has conducted a series of in-depth interviews to explore the needs and behaviour of users of web-based post and logistics handling systems.
Field studies for Unibet
2013.12.11Usability Partners has recently completed a series of field studies studying how mobile devices are used for gaming/betting in different environments.
IT-systems in healthcare (WUD)
2013.11.13For World Usability Day (WUD) on 14 november, we conducted a survey of 250 people who regularly use IT-systems in their work. As healthcare systems were in focus for WUD, the survey included 50 people in the healthcare sector, as well as 200 working in other sectors. Respondents rated a variety of aspects concerning how they experienced the IT-systems in their work. Ratings from workers in the healthcare area differed greatly on one key point - they judged that their opportunity to influence the development/design of systems was extremely low compared to users in other sectors. The study received some coverage in the media, e.g. "Vården struntar i användarna" (Computer Sweden, in Swedish).
User studies for Fora
2013.06.27Fora administers collective insurance premiums (including pensions) for approximately 200 000 companies and their employees in Sweden. Usability Partners has recently conducted usability testing of parts of Fora's online service for companies.
Scandinavian user experience study for PostNord
2013.04.10PostNord has chosen Usability Partners to conduct a large user study of its websites, with a wide range of target groups. The study will include work with sites in Denmark (, Norway (, Sweden (, as well its corporate site (
Iterative usability testing for Handelsbanken
2013.03.22Handelsbanken has a number of web development projects ongoing and Usability Partners has been supporting them with iterative usability tests to help ensure the designs, when launched, work well for customers. A range of studies have been conducted both with private and company customers in Sweden over the past 12 months, and a more focused study with private customers also in the UK (where Handelsbanken has opened a large number of new offices).
Eye-tracking usability study of 7 electricity company sites
2013.02.20In January Usability Partners conducted a comparison study of the usability of electricity company sites. A total of 7 sites, from the larger electricity companies, were tested and a total of 24 representative users participated. Both small and large problems in the design of sites prevented participants from smoothly being able to find, compare and apply for an electricity contract, and negatively impacted on how sites were experienced. On many of the sites participants experienced such serious difficulties that our conclusion is that half would not have been able to successfully complete an order process in a real situation. Contact us if you are interested in purchasing the report.
Trygg-Hansa - "Best finance and insurance site in 2012"
2013.01.18We congratulate Trygg-Hansa on winning the 2012 Internetworld award for their new responsive site design. Usability Partners has conducted several usability studies for Trygg-Hansa and we were happy to read the jury's motivation to the award...
"Trygg-Hansa's airy, bright and colourful re-design succeeded in making us think that insurance is fun - both on PC and mobile. Different types of insurance are clearly divided up and information is easy to overview."
Kuoni improve their websites
2012.11.28Kuoni is a multinational travel company with operations in more than 45 countries. In order to increase efficiency both from a user perspective and in the organisation, Kuoni has been developing a new "template" for websites selling package holidays. Usability Partners supported the design process by conducting an expert evaluation followed by user-based usability tests. The new Apollo site (, launched this month, is based on the new concept.
Eye-tracking study of 4 Swedish bank sites
2012.11.22The theme for World Usability Day 2012 was "Usability of financial systems". Usability Partners conducted a navigation study, including eye-tracking analysis, looking at currency exchange services across four av Sweden's largest banking sites. We also published an article about results from the study (in Swedish).
Usability of medical journal systems
2012.10.23Karolinska University Hospital recently engaged Usability Partners to evaluate a medical journal system. The hospital wants to improve the ease and efficiency with which medical staff can work with support systems. This study focused on the prescription of medicines for hospital patients and involved doctors from several different parts of the hospital.
Eye-tracking study for ICA Banken
2012.10.12ICA Banken are working with a new design for their site and we have conducted several studies to gather user feedback and provide improvement recommendations on design suggestions. In a recent study, which included a complete graphic design, eye-tracking analysis was used to evaluate which parts of the design caught user attention the most in different situations.
Mobile usability
2012.07.05The last 12 months have seen a significant growth in our work with mobile usability. Its clearly no longer good enough just to launch a site/app for smartphones - people must be able to use it easily as well! Recently we have worked with solutions in the banking, insurance and gaming industry and this month we are conducting a study of new prototypes for TeliaSonera.
Usability test of
2012.05.31Usability Partners recently tested the web site of the municipality of Gävle (Gävle Kommun). The user-based tests were conducted in the municipal offices in central Gävle and keenly were observed by staff working with the design and content of the site.
Usability study of 6 home electronics web sites
2012.03.19E-commerce in home electronics is an extremely competitive business in Sweden, with many companies fighting for customers. Usability Partners has conducted a study to investigate and compare the usability of 6 different home electronics web sites. The results indicate significant differences between sites and that all have the potential to improve. Both larger usability problems preventing users from completing a purchase as well as smaller irritating aspects were found. The study, which was conducted with 22 test participants, resulted in a detailed report (currently only available in Swedish - contact us for further information).
Trygg-Hansa improve their mobile site
2012.01.27Trygg-Hansa, one of the major insurance companies in Sweden, is working to improve their mobile web site and Usability Partners has recently conducted user tests of a prototype. The mobile site includes the possibility to get live insurance quotes and buy insurance online.
Swedbank Robur's new site
2011.12.21Swedbank Robur launched a new web site earlier this year. To help identify areas to focus on in the next release, Usability Partners conducted a usability study. Different target groups participated in usability tests and the findings gave useful input to future development of the site.
Improved usability for customer service/sales staff
2011.10.25Earlier this year Usability Partners conducted usability studies of an internal administrative system used by Folksam to support customer sales and service. After identifying a number of areas for potential improvement, we are now helping Folksam to create an overall improved user interface design for the system.
Further usability work for Skandiabanken
2011.06.01Usability Partners continues to support Skandiabanken as they further develop internetbanking services on their new internetbank, and we have recently conducted usability tests of a new prototype.
Usability test for the Swedish Police
2011.05.23The Swedish Police are working to improve their presence on the web. In a first step Usability Partners conducted a usability study of a prototype of a new version of part of the site. Findings and recommendations were well received and will be used in further development work.
Handelsbanken engages Usability Partners
2011.05.06To support the development of its Internet services, Handelsbanken has engaged Usability Partners to assist with iterative usability testing and expert advice during the design phase of the services.
User-centred design course in China
2011.04.26Demand for education in usability and user-centred design has increased recently. Interest is growing from further afield and last month Usability Partners held short courses for developers in Guangzhou, China.
One intranet for Vattenfall
2011.04.19Vattenfall has recently launched a new intranet for the entire organisation, replacing a variety of local and/or organisational intranets. The new multi-language intranet includes a fully personalised home page and common navigation structure. Usability Partners conducted a series of user-centred activities which formed the basis of the new intranet design - from user requirements requirements gathering to prototyping and testing activities. Activities involved a wide variety of employees from across the organisation.
User study for Bredbandsbolaget
2011.01.31In the beginning of the new year Usability Partners conducted usability tests of Bredbandbolaget's (The Broadband Company's) web site. The tests, conducted in our usability lab, focused on ordering broadband and digital-TV subscriptions. The results were well received and changes have already been made to the web site in order to increase usability.
Electrolux focus on intranet usability
2010.12.20Electrolux have initiated a project including a series of user-centred activities to improve the usability of their intranet (E-gate). The work is starting with an analysis of E-gate's current usability, including user testing with employees in 7 countries. Further work will include revision of the navigation structure and interaction design of E-gate's start page, where social media functionality will also be integrated.
Support in purchasing a new business-support system
2010.11.07Usability Partners has provided expert support in the purchase/specification process for a business-critical system in a large Swedish financial company. The goal of the work was to complement the specifications with usability aspects and at an early stage make potential suppliers aware of the importance that would be placed on these issues -from initial tender evaluations through to delivery and system operation/maintenance.
"Hands on" introductory course in usability/user-testing
2010.06.10We have recently created and conducted an introductory course for people working with IT development. The goal of the course is to raise awareness of usability issues and the value of working user-centred. The course is divided into two parts - basic theory and process, followed by practical exercises and observing user-based tests in our usability lab.
Usability work for SBAB
2010.06.02During the Spring we have conducted user-based tests of SBAB's current web site and recently work has continued with a prototype that illustrates a suggestion for a new web site design.
Report - Usability study of 7 insurance web sites
2010.05.24Usability Partners has compared the usability of 7 insurance web sites. 20 users attempt to get car insurance quotations on several different sites (each individual site was tested by at least 10 people). Success rate varied between sites, but in total one third of attempts failed due to a variety of problems in the quotation forms. Contact us if you are interested in purchasing the report.
Skanska develop new housing web site
2010.05.21Usability Partners has assisted with usability testing of a prototype during the development of a new housing site for Skanska (part of their public web site). Valuable feedback was gained from the tests, helping to ensure further design work is kept in line with user needs.
International study for Swedbank
2010.05.03Usability Partners has coordinated a series of usability tests in the Baltics for Swedbank. The tests were conducted in Estonia, Lativa and Lithuania in cooperation with local partners. We see an increasing interest for studies in the Baltic countries and are developing our relationships with partners to meet these needs.
Framework contract for the Government Offices of Sweden (Regeringskansliet)
2010.04.15Regeringskansliet has recently concluded a large procurement process for IT services. One area of the procurement was usability specialists, where Usability Partners won the contract (a total of 11 consultancies bid for the contract). The framework contract is over 4 years and we look forwarded to supporting Regeringskansliet with our services.
New iPhone application tested
2010.02.15In February Svenska Spel launched their first iPhone application - a live scores service for those betting on sports. Usability Partners usability tested the application prior to launch.
Usability test for Euroflorist
2010.02.11Euroflorst has recently conducted usability tests of a web site prototype in several countries. In January we conducted tests of the Swedish prototype. The results were well received by the project group and recommendations resulting from the tests will be implemented before launch.
New interfaces to Electrolux kitchen appliances
2009.12.18During December we have been conducting user studies of prototype interfaces to new kitchen appliances. The application of new user interface technology to traditional appliances can introduce a number of challenges and Electrolux are keen to ensure that their new products are easy to work with.
Usability tests for Folksam
2009.11.20Usability Partners is currently conducting user-based tests of parts of Folksam's web site. Folksam is one of the few organisations in Sweden to have invested in their own usability lab, which we used during the tests.
Report - Usability study of 7 hotel web sites
2009.10.03Usability Partners has compared the usability of 7 hotel web sites. 23 users attempt to book a room on several different sites (each individual site was tested by at least 10 people). Almost half (48%) of the booking attempts failed and were aborted for a variety of reasons. Contact us if you are interested in purchasing the report.
New application for Swedbank's internetbank
2009.07.01Usability Partners has recently conducted a second set of user-tests of a new application for integration into Swedbank's internetbank. The application, which is yet to be launched, was first tested in the Autumn of 2008 after which a number of design changes were made.
Higher education search portal
2009.06.13Usability Partners was chosen by the Swedish Agency for Higher Education Services to help improve the search interface on their portal (where students can search for higher education courses). Initially, to see what worked well/not so well, the current design was user-tested. A new search interface prototype was then developed, tested with users, and further refined. The prototype and associated user-centred activities provided a good basis for future development of the service.
New web site for teachers' insurance
2009.05.22The two main Swedish teachers' unions jointly offer insurance to members. A new version of their web site providing information and guidance on teacher insurance matters is currently under development. Usability Partners has recently started a project to evaluate early interface designs using paper prototypes.
Analysis for the Swedish Medical Products Agency
2009.03.28The Swedish Medical Products Agency asked Usability Partners to analyse the usability of their web site. We conducted user-based tests with several of the most important target groups of the site - doctors, pharmacy staff and those working in the medical industry, amongst others. The results were well received and changes are planned to be carried out in the near future.
Usability of "118 100" is an Internet search service (in Sweden the number is also a directory enquiries service). Usability Partners has assisted with the design of a new search interface through expert reviews and input to early designs, followed by user-based testing of a prototype. The results provided input to decisions regarding the design of the final user interface.
Swedish Teachers Union web site
2009.01.26The new web site of the Swedish Teachers has just received top ranking in Internetworld's review of trade union web sites...
"The Teachers Union are, as they should be, extremely educational and have succeeded fantastically well in creating a usable web site with lots of useful material for members."
Usability Partners has earlier cooperated with the Swedish Teachers Union in the development of their new web site and just recently we have conducted an extensive follow-up usability test. Representatives from several target groups participated in the tests (including union representatives, teachers and head teachers). The results have been analysed and soon further improvements will be made to the site to increase its usability.
More eye-tracking studies
2009.01.12Usability Partners conducted more eye-tracking usability studies during 2008 and several requests for such studies in 2009 have already come in. Ongoing improvements to eye-tracking technology has enabled us to further develop our methods for eye-tracking analysis in usability studies.
Two support tools for the HSA-catalogue
2008.12.19The HSA-catalogue is a national catalogue service primarily used within healthcare, where staff can search for contact details to all types of healthcare units and personnel. Usability Partners has, through a user-centred design approach, developed interaction design prototypes for the main user interfaces - a general search interface for all staff and an administration interface.
ICA and ICA Bank
2008.11.28During the Autumn we have conducted projects for both ICA and ICA Bank. User-centred activities have provided support to information structuring and design in two different web projects.
Sony Ericsson's new mobile music service
2008.10.28During the Autumn we have conducted two usability studies of Sony Ericsson's new mobile music service - PlayNow Plus. The studies included a test of the mobile application and the related computer-based application. usability-tested
2008.09.29Nordea (one of the large Nordic banks) intend to improve their .com site. To evaluate the usability of the site today, Usability Partners has conducted usability tests with representatives from several of the most important target groups, e.g. financial analysts and investors. This resulted in a workshop in which the strengths and weaknesses were presented, followed by a discussion around how Nordea could go about further improving the site's usability.
Usability tests of gaming site
2008.06.30Paf, an internet gaming site based on the island of Åland, are working to further enhance the usability of their weeb site ( As part of a large international usability study, Usability Partners conducted tests with participants in Sweden. The material from the study has been analysed and improvements will soon be made to the web site as a result.
Usability at the Swedish Government offices
2008.06.25Regeringskansliet (The Government offices and ministries) has a number of important IT projects underway in preparation for Sweden's European Union presidency in 2009. Regeringskansliet has asked Usability Partners to conduct several different studies during this spring to support these development projects.
Large contract with Skandiabanken
2008.06.02Skandiabanken have earlier this year asked Usability Partners to conduct several usability activities which have given valuable input to the development of a new web prototype. Skandiabanken have now signed a framework agreement with us for a further series of 15-20 usability studies.
Projects for Fidelity International
2008.05.16We have recently completed two usability assignments for Fidelity International, to support the development of a new web site design and structure.
Several projects for Svenska Spel
2008.05.14During the Spring we have conducted two usability tests ahead of the launch of Svenska Spel's new web site (Svenska Spel is Sweden's largest gaming/betting company). The first test included existing and experienced customers, followed by a second test where the prototype was evaluated by more novice users.
More international work for Vattenfall
2008.04.30Aside from supporting Vattenfall with a range of new web and intranet projects in Sweden recently, international work has also increased. Usability studies have recently been conducted in Finland, Poland, and Germany. Two studies in Denmark are also currently being planned.
Ny 3-dagarskurs i användarcentrerad design!
2008.03.27In cooperation with Ability Partner we have put together a new 3-day course in usability and user-centred design. The first course in February was very highly rated by participants and further courses are scheduled for later in the year. You can find detailed course contents, dates and booking information on Ability Partner's web site at
Save The Children's intranet
2008.02.11Save The Children Sweden is planning to re-design their intranet. We will assist them with usability testing of their existing intranet, user requirements gathering and information structuring activities as input to their new design work.
New office, new usability lab
2008.01.28In January Usability Partners moved into newly renovated offices on Kungsholmen, close to Stockholm city centre. Aside from pleasant views out over S:t Eriks bridge and the Karlberg canal, our new office is significantly larger than before and has a brand new usability lab suite.
Eye-tracking usability studies more popular
2007.12.12In recent months there has been a significant growth in interest in usability studies which include eye-tracking analysis. Many of our existing clients have expressed significant interest in these kinds of studies, with both Vattenfall and Swedbank requesting studies in December to analyse different wen layout and design solutions. Eyetracking technology allows eye movements to be precisely followed across the screen as users interact with, for example, a web page.
More projects for Telia
2007.11.28As part of a mobile broadband development project at TeliaSonera, Usability Partners has conducted usability tests of prototypes with mobile internet users. As the product will be available in several of Telia's markets, Usability Partners will also organise tests in Lithuania in the coming months. Also during this month we have conducted user studies of online order forms on in order to provide recommendations for potential improvements to their design.
Debate article in DN
2007.10.15Debate article in Dagens Nyheter (DN), one of the main daily newspapers in Sweden, today published a debate article by Sofie Kaiser (usability consultant at Usability Partners). The article highlighted an example of how badly designed products in our daily lives cause problems and create irritation. The article focused on newly installed public transport ticket machines in Stockholm.
Scania - a new generation of web sites
2007.09.26Scania are currently working on the development of a new generation of web sites. During the summer, Usability Partners conducted prototype tests of both national and .com site designs. The tests have been carried out with users from Sweden, Malaysia, Russia and Brazil (amongst others), with different target groups for Scania's sites - journalists, truck drivers, financial analysts, road transport company owners, students and job seekers. As the prototypes have been developed further, additional tests will be conducted.
Swedbank develops new corporate intranet
2007.09.07Swedbank is expanding into new markets and is therefore developing a new corporate intranet to support its business in Sweden, Russia and the Baltic countries. To ensure a good structure for the intranet, during August Usability Partners conducted structure tests and interviews with a selection of intended users in each country.
This year’s summer competition
2007.09.01Our summer competition - "Guess where?" has now finished, and the winner decided. The photograph was from Iceland, where we had this year's company conference and team building days. The winning answer to the tie-breaker question ("Why do you think Usability Partners chose that country?") was the answer "The combination of hot and cold provides inspiration in finding usable solutions to varying and conflicting requirements.", sent in by Katarina Barth-Magnus. We hope she enjoys the prize (a bottle of champagne).
Web site user surveys for IKEA
2007.08.30Having recently launched a new web site design, IKEA has asked Usability Partners to repeat the international web site surveys we conducted last year. The surveys are currently running on 21 country sites from China and Japan through to Russia and France. Several, such as Switzerland and Canada, are multilingual.
Vattenfall's new corporate intranet
2007.06.18Vattenfall has just successfully launched a new corporate intranet. The new intranet, which includes a new structure, new layout and new graphical profile, is primarily aimed at managers and senior staff across the Vattenfall Group. Usability Partners has assisted with usability and user-centred activities throughout the project - including user requirements gathering, information structuring, interaction design and usability testing. The project also included work with the user interface to Vattenfall's content management tool and quick reference guidelines for editors.
Swedish Radio focus on usability and accessibility
2007.05.22Usability Partners, in cooperation with IYL AB have evaluated the usability and accessibility of Swedish Radio's web site. Included in the study was also an evaluation of a prototype for SR's new web radio.
User focus in design of
2007.05.14Lärarförbundet (The Swedish Teacher's Union) has recently launched a new web site which has been well received by memebers. During 2006 Usability Partners carried out a series of activities to gather information about user needs as well as provide input to an overall design concept and structure for the site.
Improving customer service tools
2007.04.02Usability Partners has recently completed a usability study of one of TeliaSonera's customer service applications. The study was conducted in Göteborg and included usability testing and on-site observation of customer service and support staff in their work. Due to its nature, the telephone customer service situation can often be demanding for staff and it is important that support systems are effective and efficient.
Two projects for Re:member
2007.03.30Last Autumn Usability Partners evaluated Re:member’s campaign web site which was launched to support the introduction of the Re:membercard credit card. This flash-based site was particularly interesting to evaluate due to its significant use of animation and video. Now this Spring we have tested a prototype for a new site.
Usability study for D-Link Europe
2007.02.22Usability Partners has evaluated the usability of the common web design that D-Link use for their European web sites. The results were used as input to future planning and design work. Usability Partners recently participated in a 2-day workshop in London to present the findings and discuss future direction of D-Link’s sites together with representatives for different European markets and D-Link’s design agency.
Electrolux engages Usability Partners
2007.02.05In 2005 the Nielsen Norman Group in the US pronounced Electrolux’s intranet (“E-gate”) as one of the top ten intranets in the world. Electrolux has recently chosen Usability Partners to conduct a usability study and provide recommendations as to how it can be even better.
Christmas competition winner!
2007.01.31This year's Christmas card competition on our web site was won by Fredrik Sjöblom who will receive a bottle of champagne shortly! Many thanks to all those participating - there were many quite amusing entries!
IP/broadband telephony
2006.12.14Telia (the largest Swedish telephone operator) currently offer two solutions for IP telephony, one through a PC and the other using normal fixed telephones. To ensure an easy installation process for both solutions, Telia has asked Usability Partners to look into potential usability issues relating to the hardware, software and accompanying manuals.
New web site for Riksarkivet
2006.11.28Earlier this year Usability Partners assisted Riksarkivet with user requirements gathering and a new design concept for their coming web site. A first prototype focusing on a new information structure for the site has now been produced, which we have been asked to evaluate with typical target users.
World Usability Day 2006
2006.11.15The 14th of November was "World Usability Day", with usability-related activities going on worldwide to raise awareness about usability. Usability Partners participated in a number of company-specific activities, ranging from workshops at several organisations to an open exhibition at TeliaSonera. In addition we were the Swedish partner in an international expert usability review of web sites conducted by leading usability consultancies from 12 countries around the globe. A paper resulting from the expert reviews is planned for submission to the Usability Professionals Association's User Experience magazine.
International user surveys
2006.10.15Interest is growing in conducting international web site user surveys - an efficient means of gathering feedback from users in different countries. Usability Partners currently has studies underway for several large organisations, one of which is IKEA with surveys in 21 countries worldwide.
Usability - a decision criterium at Ericsson
2006.09.14Ericsson asked Usability Partners to help conduct a comparative study of two administrative systems from different suppliers. Ericsson defined usability as being one of the decision criteria for choice of system. The comprehensive study included a variety of different types of Ericsson employees as test participants.
Usability theme at conferences
2006.06.30Usability is becoming a hot topic at web-related conferences in Stockholm. On the 12th & 13th of June IIR held their conference "Improve your web site" and the 13th of June saw the start of a 3-day conference devoted to "Usability and accessibility" organised by Ability Partner. Richard Whitehand from Usability Partners kicked off both conferences with a 1-day seminar on Usability & User-centred design.
Web & intranet usability at Arbetsmiljöverket
2006.06.29Recently we have conducted several pieces of work for Arbetsmiljöverket, to assist in improving the usability of both their internal and external 'webs'. Work has included usability testing as well as surveying user satisfaction.
TeliaSonera framework contract
2006.04.25Usability Partners has recently signed a framework agreement for provision of usability services to TeliaSonera. The 2-year contract was won in a formal competive tendering process.
Intranet usability
2006.03.29Usability Partners has recently been working with intranets of several international organisations. A new client is DeLaval, whose intranet we evaluated in March. Their intranet is an important internal communication tool with a wide variety of users around the world.
Usability studies in Poland
2006.02.07With over 10 million Internet users (and a population of 39 million), Poland has a potential market much larger than Scandinavian countries. Many Swedish companies have expanded into Poland and we're seeing growing interest in usability work to ensure web content and services work for the Polish market. Just recently we, together with local partners, have conducted two Polish usability studies (in Warsaw and Gliwice) for Vattenfall's intranet and internet.
Christmas competition winner!
2006.01.20This year we again received many responses to the Christmas card competition on our web site ("Guess the weight of the giant Christmas ginger biscuit"). Many thanks to all those participating! The competition was won by Peter Nyberg and the prize - a bottle of champagne - is on its way.
Intranet benchmarking
2005.11.21Usability Partners has recently assisted Vattenfall in conducting a benchmarking activity concerning a variety of design issues across corporate intranets. A total of 7 international companies participated, all with head offices in Sweden. The study has given a variety of useful insights into current intranet design practises in large organisations.
TCO re-design their web site
2005.10.24TCO (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees) are working on re-designing their main web site to better support their target groups. To ensure that the site will work well in use, TCO asked Usability Partners to evaluate an early prototype. Åsa Reiland, web editor at TCO comments:
"I thought it was incredibly rewarding and clarified many aspects where we felt uncertain."
We look forward to further cooperation.
Information structuring workshop
2005.10.07On the 6th October Richard Whitehand and Alexander Piatidis from Usability Partners were invited to run a workshop at the Swedish Public Relations Assocation, on the topic of information structuring for web sites and intranets. The user-centred methods presented help project groups to understand how best to organise information. The workshop was fully booked and participants showed significant interest in the material presented.
Internetbank developments
2005.09.23Föreningssparbanken continue to develop their internetbank and Usability Partners has again been asked to provide input to help improve the design. This time the work relates to a prototype of a new innovative service which will be integrated into the existing internetbank design.
Vattenfall framework contract
2005.08.31Usability Partners has recently signed a framework agreement for provision of usability services to Vattenfall across Europe. The contract, in which Usability Partners is awarded "preferred supplier" status, primarily concerns usability consultancy services relating to Vattenfall web sites, web-based applications and intranets.
Usability consultancies from across Europe tendered for the contract. We are delighted that Vattenfall's comprehensive pan-European procurement process has resulted in Usability Partners being selected, re-affirming our position as a leading usability consultancy in Europe.
Intranet information structuring
2005.08.19Usability Partners is currently helping Föreningssparbanken to develop and improve its intranet through user-based methods for information structuring. Intranet structures often leave a lot to be desired from an end-user perspective, a problem which Föreningssparbank wishes to avoid. The current work is part of a large project to make the whole information structure easier for users to navigate.
"Usability gone from mobile phones"
2005.07.29This was the title of a debate article written by Kaisa Solman and published in Computer Sweden today. Kaisa writes that mobile telephones have become better looking and richer in functionality, though their usability has become worse. The list of problems is long - mobile phones are too complicated to use and today few are satisfied with their choice of phone. The full article is available on Computer Sweden's web site (in Swedish, requires login).
Posten engages Usability Partners
2005.07.17Posten has selected Usability Partners to conduct a study of their Intranet and provide recommendations as to how they can improve it's usability. The study includes a user-based usability test involving a variety of Posten staff.
Mobile Internet study
2005.05.16Usability Partners has recently completed a user-based study of a mobile internet portal and related services. The study was conducted as part of an international project for a major mobile operator.
Easier access to healthcare
2005.04.01Usability Partners has been assisting the Swedish Association of County Councils and Municipalities (SKL) in the development of a new national system for healthcare advice over the telephone. Since the autumn of 2003 we have advised on requirements specifications, assisted with user interface design, and tested prototypes with nurses. Just before Easter we usability tested a first version of the system, which is due to go into 'pilot' usage after the summer. Usability Partners is continuing to provide user interface design input to later versions with extended functionality. More information about the project can be found at (currently only in Swedish).
Improving usability for tourists
2005.03.04Usability Parnters has recently completed a usability evaluation of the Swedish Tourist Association(STF)'s web site. STF has over 300 000 members and their web site is becoming an ever more important resource for Swedes interested in tourist activities in Sweden.
Web-based share trading
2005.02.25Nordnet is focusing on the user experience of their online trading services and asked Usability Partners to conduct a usability study of their web-based share and fund trading service. The study has included user-based tests and interviews in Sweden, as well as user surveys in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
AstraZeneca engages Usability Partners
2005.01.17Usability Partners is currently evaluating the usability of one of AstraZeneca's patient information sites - "". The evaluation includes both user-based testing and an online user satisfaction survey.
Ikanobanken's new Internetbank tested
2004.12.06At the end of 2003, IKanobanken asked Usability Partners to conduct a usability study and provide usability recommendations concerning their existing Internetbank, to provide input to new design and development work this year. To follow up on the previous study and assess the new design, Usability Partners has now usability tested a development prototype.
Interviewed in Internetworld
2004.11.16The current issue of Internetworld (Sweden) is focused on usability related issues. The feature article includes interviews with two Usability Partners consultants (Richard Whitehand & Alexander Piatidis), as well as one of our clients (Eniro).
Usability work improves online marketplace
2004.10.01"Koll" ( was launched earlier this year - a web site for advertising objects for sale or wanted. Behind the venture are Bonnier Newspapers, together with TV4 and Tidningsaktiebolaget Stampen. Koll engaged Usability Partners to evaluate the web site’s usability and provide recommendations as to how it could be made easier to use.
"Usability Partners experience from similar work has been an asset for us", says John Hedborg, director at Bonnier Newspapers...
"The value of using them has been very clear. Their systematic and objective review of the web site’s strengths and weaknesses enabled use to make changes that, for example, resulted in a simpler and better flow for placing adverts. In addition gave the process itself - to watch actual users using the web site - numerous ideas and insights in addition to those aspects purely concerned with usability."
Svenska Spel engages Usability Partners
2004.09.24Svenska Spel is the largest gaming/betting company in Sweden, with a market share of 53%. Usability Partners has recently had the opportunity to, together with experienced gamers, test both new suggestions for electronic gaming services and a new web site prototype. We investigated both usability and the user gaming experience. Usability Partners has previously evaluated foreign online betting services.
Usability for increased internet bookings
2004.08.16Stena Line - one of the world’s largest ferry operators - wish to increase the number of travel bookings that are made on the web. A new web service is therefore under development, in which usability is seen as a key success factor. In order to help ensure that the service is easy to use, Stena Line has contacted Usability Partners.
This year’s summer competition
2004.08.11Our summer competition - "guess the building" has now finished, and the winner decided. The buildings illustrated in the web competition were SAS and Eniro’s head offices in Frösunda, Solna. The winning answer to the tie-breaker question ("Who lives in the mystery house?") was the answer "The average user - i.e. the non-existant user", sent in by Anna-Karin Carlsson. We hope she finds the prize (a picnic rug) useful.
International intranet evaluated
2004.06.29Creating an intranet for an international user group is a significant challenge. Not only are their potential issues around language but important differences in working cultures, even within Europe, which affect usage and are relevant to consider during design. When Usability Partners recently evaluated Vattenfall’s intranet, users naturally participated both from Sweden and abroad.
Easing international e-business
2004.05.12Trade promotion organisations in a variety of countries are working together to aid international business between companys through 'E-markets'. A web site has been developed which provides information about E-markets as well as a comprehensive E-market directory. The Swedish Trade Council asked Usability Partners to provide input to improving the usability of the site and provide recommendations on how it can better meet user needs.
Vasakronan engage Usability Partners
2004.03.23Vasakronan is one of the leading commercial real estate companies in Sweden - in 2003 they received the highest customer satisfaction rating in the 'Fastighetsbarometern' branch index. Their web site has an important role in attracting new customers and they have recently selected Usability Partners to evaluate its usability, as well as conduct a user satisfaction survey.
Would you like to be a 'testpilot'?
2004.02.16We regularly advertise in local newspapers (e.g. Metro and City in Stockholm) in order to recruit members of the general public who can participate in our usability evaluations or user requirements studies.
Christmas competition winner!
2004.01.12This year we again received many responses to the Christmas card competition on our web site. 80 of the submissions were correct and were entered into a prize draw. The were also many incorrect answers, however, responses were both imaginative and entertaining. Many thanks to all those participating! The competition was won by "Katarina Lindström" and the prize - a bottle of champagne - is on its way.
Increasing focus on international usability
2003.12.18During 2003 we've seen a clear increase in interest for our services internationally. Many organisations wishing to improve their software or web sites in the Nordic region have chosen Usability Partners to support them (new clients in recent months include Biogen, Vattenfall & Victor Chandler). Furthermore, existing Swedish clients have continued their cooperation with us to work with web sites and/or systems for use abroad (including Eniro, Ikea and Scania). We're looking forward to further international projects in 2004.
"Swedish 24hr public e-services far from ideal"
2003.11.12This is the title of a debate article written by Kaisa Solman and published today in Computer Sweden. The article argues that there is too much focus on the technical development of Sweden's "24-hour" public e-services, at the expense of their ease of use. Usability Partners experience is that public web services are often far from simple and effective for citizens. The full article is available on Computer Sweden's web site (in Swedish, requires login).
Telephone healthcare advice system
2003.10.31Usability Partners is assisting the Swedish Association of County Councils (Landstingsförbundet) during requirements specification of a support system for a new national telephone healthcare advice service. In addition to providing input to requirements documentation, we are conducting a series of usability tests of early concept prototypes with nurses from around Sweden.
"Unusable site" competition winner
2003.09.05This year's summer competition included naming a web site with bad usability (with justification). We received many interesting entries - a bottle of champagne went to Axis Lundberg for nominating Whilst generally not difficult to use, Axis simply wanted to get the route map for a specific bus line (very difficult without knowing the area a specific bus 'belongs to', which isn't necessarily where it starts or ends!). Other submissions that we particularly enjoyed were and
Biogen tests patient information sites
2003.08.06Biogen - the world's oldest independent biotech company - has selected Usability Partners to evaluate the usability of it's Scandinavian web sites for people with multiple sclerosis (MS). The evaluation includes in-depth testing with users complemented by online user satisfaction surveys.
E-commerce article in the press
2003.06.19Our "Lack of customer focus in E-commerce" editorial has received much attention in recent months and in June it was published in the Swedish business paper "Dagens Handel". Entitled "Swedish e-com companies nonchalant about customers", it was published as a debate article - an electronic version can also be found on (Swedish only). Material from the article has also appeared in several online publications in other European countries.
Eniro - Find it easy!
2003.05.21Usability Partners have assisted Eniro in improving the usability of a new Internet search and catalogue service for the Nordic countries ( is the Swedish version). The service, which includes "Yellow pages", was launched in the middle of May. Our help has ensured that the service is better in meeting user wishes and needs. Usability Partners has been involved throughout the development project - from early evaluation of design 'sketches' through to more thorough usability testing of functional prototypes. Eniro can proudly use the slogan "Find it easy"!
Supporting industrial designers
2003.04.09We have just started work on a new project for Saab Tech in cooperation with Reload, a Stockholm-based industrial design company. This is the third project in which we have cooperated with Reload. In this project Usability Partners is supporting the development of a complex operator workstation by conducting analyses of the intended users and their tasks, as well as providing concrete requirements and recommendations as input to the design process. We will also conduct early design prototype tests with users.
Best Practice Management : Simplicity
2003.03.31"Making things simple to use" is the title of an article in the current Hong Kong-based international business publication "Best Practice Management". The current issue's theme is "simplicity" and Richard Whitehand was asked to present Usability Partners' experiences of how users should (and should not) be involved in the different stages of product development in order to ensure a simple and easy to use end result.
Improving Internetbanking
2003.03.27Usability Partners is currently conducting a series of user-centred activities to further improve the ease of use of Föreningssparbanken's Internetbank. 2003 is now the 6th year in which our consultants have regularly conducted usability and user-centred design activities to support Föreningssparbanken - activities which have led to continuous improvement in the end-user experience of the Internetbank.
"I can't use my microwave!"
2003.02.14This was the title of an article in Computer Sweden today, by Kaisa Solman. Kaisa's microwave oven came with her flat - unfortunately there was no manual and nobody has managed to work out how to use it! The article highlights the need for significant improvements in the ease of use of "hi-tech" consumer products and raised awareness amongst consumers. Article link (in Swedish, requires login)
Christmas competition winner!
2003.01.07Our Christmas greetings card proved extremely popular, with many interesting submissions to the competition. Angelika Melchior won the 'complete the phrase' competition, with: "I think that good usability is important because... bad usability makes what we create pointless as nobody CAN use it, nobody would WANT to use it and if, against all odds, people should try to use it then it would take them far too much time!". She will shortly receive a bottle of champagne!
Novo Nordisk takes user needs seriously
2002.11.01Usability Partners is helping Novo Nordisk, a leading healthcare company in diabetes and growth hormone deficiency, to ensure that its patient community web sites meet user needs and are easy to use. Thorough usability testing is the current element of a series of user-centred development activities that Novo Nordisk has been carrying out.
We're moving!
2002.10.25In November Usability Partners is moving into newly built offices in Frösunda, Solna, just north of central Stockholm. The office is located close to the main E4 motorway (directly opposite Scandinavian Airlines headoffice) and about 10 minutes from the city centre by public transport. The new location means we retain easy access to major Stockholm airports for our projects in other parts of Sweden and abroad, combined with a closer proximity to central Stockholm than before.
"Parties weak on the net"
2002.09.11This was the headline to an article appearing today in Svenska Dagbladet (one of the major Swedish daily newspapers). The article reported our recent usability review of the political parties' web sites, which was also mentioned in Computer Sweden as well on several news web sites.
CSN selects Usability Partners
2002.08.19CSN (the Swedish National Board of Student Aid) has selected Usability Partners to conduct a usability study of their administrative systems. The study includes usability evaluations at several CSN offices around Sweden, complemented with a broader user survey. Results will be presented in a workshop early in October.
Midsummer competition winner!
2002.06.26Many people viewed our web-based midsummer greetings card and registered guesses as to which island was depicted on it, and which year the picture was taken. Many correctly identified Marstrand (though Gotland, Vaxholm and Sandham were also popular guesses), though the date (1998) proved more challenging. Jan Johannessen won the hammock and two close runners-up won consolation prizes!
User-centred design & usability course
2002.05.21Demand for the 3-day version of this course has grown recently - we've held it for several companies this spring. A new modular course content allows us to tailor tools, methods, examples and exercises to suit the type of development in a particular project or organisation. Interest in our 1-day introductory course remains, though the 3-day "hands on" version has become more popular as companies recognise the importance of working with usability issues throughout development.
Evaluating on-board IT systems for trucks
2002.04.18Scania Infotronics have asked Usability Partners to evaluate the usability of a prototype for a new multi-function on-board IT system to be used in trucks. Tests have been conducted with a variety of different truck drivers, and carried out on Scania's test track in Södertälje (just south of Stockholm).
Coop's new web site tested
2002.03.08Usability Partners has evaluated the ease of use of Coop's new web site. The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the overall usability of the site, identify potential problems and provide recommendations for improvement. KF members in different age groups participated in the tests.
Föreningssparbanken tests DigitalTV service
2002.02.26Usability Partners has carried out usability tests of a prototype interactive banking service that Föreningssparbanken has developed for DigitalTV. Our portable usability 'lab' equipment allowed the tests to be conducted in an informal 'TV sofa' environment whilst still giving project members the opportunity to follow tests from a nextdoor room.
Skolverket selects Usability Partners
2001.11.21This autumn Skolverket (The Swedish national agency for education) invited companies to tender proposals for evaluating the usability of their web site. A surprisingly large number of proposals (24 in total) were received, though many were discarded due to not fulfilling requirements and/or lacking basic elements to their methodology. Those remaining were judged based on methodology, consultant profiles, references and cost - the proposal from Usability Partners being selected as the best overall.
Improving ease of use for IKEA staff
2001.10.19Usability Partners has begun a large project to provide usability consultancy services throughout the development of a new sales and service support system. The system will be used in all IKEA stores worldwide. We will be supporting the IKEA IT development centre in Helsingborg with a full range of user-centred design and usability activities throughout the development process.